Document 2248 DOCN M94A2248 TI Monitoring incident HIV infections in Ontario. Ontario HIV Seroconverter Study Group. DT 9412 AU Galli R; Major C; Fearon M; Green L; Calzavara L; HIV Laboratory, Ontario Ministry of Health, Canada. SO Int Conf AIDS. 1994 Aug 7-12;10(1):347 (abstract no. PC0619). Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE ICA10/94370327 AB OBJECTIVE: To track incident cases of HIV infection in Ontario. METHODS: All diagnostic HIV testing for the Province is performed by the Ministry of Health. Demographic information and results are recorded in a computer data base. Follow up tests for HIV negative individuals are monitored for seroconversion (SC). In addition, the laboratory has an algorithm designed to detect early HIV infection. RESULTS: Between 1985 and June 1993, 442 seroconversions were documented, representing 3.4% of all newly diagnosed cases (3.3% of male cases; 4.2% of female cases). Over time, SC represented an increasing proportion of newly diagnosed cases (1.3%-1986; 4.9%-1993). In 1993, 0.6% of male and 0.03% of female negative retesters seroconverted. Approximately, 15% of SCs were detected during the initial stages of HIV antibody development, before full western blot positivity. Males represented 88% of SC; 9% were female and for 3% sex was not indicated. Risk information was provided for 75% of cases; for males: 81% were exclusively gay, 4% bisexual and 9% were IDU's. For females: 52% acquired HIV through heterosexual transmission and 40% were IDU's. 51% of males and 56% of females were in the 25-34 age group. The greatest increase in SC over time was seen in homosexual males aged 20-39. While SCs have been detected in every health area in the province, the majority, (70%) were tested in Metropolitan Toronto. CONCLUSIONS: HIV seroconverters represent the leading edge of the HIV epidemic. Gay men between 25-34 seem to be particularly at risk. Establishment of a cohort of recent seroconverters is critical to determine the cause of these prevention failures. DE Adult Algorithms AIDS Serodiagnosis/*STATISTICS & NUMER DATA Female Homosexuality/STATISTICS & NUMER DATA Human HIV Infections/*EPIDEMIOLOGY/PREVENTION & CONTROL/TRANSMISSION HIV Seropositivity/EPIDEMIOLOGY/TRANSMISSION HIV Seroprevalence Male Ontario/EPIDEMIOLOGY *Population Surveillance Risk Factors MEETING ABSTRACT SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).